A well written, three part article/sample of coding a Web REST Service with Java and Spring from DZone. “In the modern world of interconnected software, web applications have become an indispensable asset. Foremost among these web applications is the Representational State Transfer (REST) web service, with Java becoming one of the most popular implementation languages. Within the Java REST ecosystem, there are two popular contenders: Java Enterprise Edition (JavaEE) and Spring. While both have their strengths and weaknesses, this article will focus on Spring and create a simple order management RESTful web application using Spring 4. Although this management system will be simple compared to the large-scale RESTful services foundRead More →

Enterprise integration has been a consistent concern for developers everywhere, regardless of industry or application. Nearly every website or application relies on APIs, message queues, or ESBs to provide value to their users. However, just because the field has been present for so long, and so many developers are used to their preferred processes does not mean the industry isn’t ripe for major changes. Microservice architectures continue to grow in popularity along with DevOps and container technologies. Tools like Kafka are seeing a meteoric rise as well. How do these trends impact developers working with the latest and greatest in web standards and tools? WhatRead More →