Ready position: feet shoulder width apart, head down, low left hand over right suto hands at groin.

Snap Head up, eye forward. Raise hands keeping palms toward chest. Lower hands and separate into a double spreading low block, open hands. Bring hands up to chest, turn palms out, into a dynamic tension block, pushing away from the chest.

Right low single knife hand in a back-stance. Turning left, left hand middle in to out knife hand in a back-stance, follow with right reverse punch in long stance.

Turn forward, bring right foot in, fists rechambered to either side of waist. Step forward with left foot, follow with right, follow with left foot in short crane stance (left foot raised up behind right knee).

Set left foot back and down, raise right knee, right hand low knife hand, left high knife hand block (crane stance). Set right foot down to the right (45° from center), right hand in to out circle block. Step forward, straight punch, followed with reverse punch. Step back into crane stance.

Set right foot down to the left (45° from center), right hand in to out circle block. Step forward, straight punch, followed with reverse punch.

Break. Return to crane stance.

Set right foot down in front in a long stance, on centerline, right hand in to out circle block, reverse punch.

Pull right foot back beside left foot into preparatory position, hands on left hip. Step out to the right, long stance, left hand high punch, right hand low punch. Return to preparatory position. Switch hands to right hip. Step out to left, long stance, right hand high punch, left hand low punch. Return to preparatory position. Switch hands to left hip. Right foot inside crescent to head, set down in long stance, left hand high punch, right hand low punch. Step back into back-stance, double knife hand block.

Wind up into a 540° jump/spin (counterclockwise, or spinning to the left), landing facing forward, double knife hand. Step back, double knife hand.

Return to ready position (left palm on top of right hand).