Enterprise integration has been a consistent concern for developers everywhere, regardless of industry or application. Nearly every website or application relies on APIs, message queues, or ESBs to provide value to their users. However, just because the field has been present for so long, and so many developers are used to their preferred processes does not mean the industry isn’t ripe for major changes. Microservice architectures continue to grow in popularity along with DevOps and container technologies. Tools like Kafka are seeing a meteoric rise as well. How do these trends impact developers working with the latest and greatest in web standards and tools? WhatRead More →

October 5, 2008 In our country, we glamorize “greatness” which is often gauged by how much money you have, how many people are affected by each decision you make, and your ability to be remembered by posterity. When we set those people and their accomplishments up as a standard, it is not hard to understand why most of us see ourselves as falling short of our potential. Fred never strove for greatness. Instead, he embraced his “ordinary” life with gusto, and seemed oblivious to the social yardstick that measures success. But Fred was more than great. He was good. He was, a good man. HeRead More →

    Mars 2001 Lander Participation Certificate Presented to Timothy J Wise On September 3, 1999 Thank you for joining us on this mission of exploration and discovery. A compact disc bearing your name will be mounted on the Mars 2001 Lander, which along with the Orbiter and Rover will help us explore the ancient highlands of Mars. Together, we will journey into space to discover and understand the many wonders of our universe. Dr. Edward J. WeilerAssociate AdministratorOffice of Space Science   Certificate No. 431448  Read More →